Our Brands
The Martin & Pleasance portfolio includes many familiar brands trusted by many around the world. We have a strong commitment to providing Australian Made and Australian Owned quality products, and it is through this commitment that we have chosen to align ourselves with such brands. With our focus on sustainability, we believe we can provide the ultimate solutions to live a natural, chemical free life.
All You Need, All In One
Schuessler Tissue Salts
150 Years of natural medicine
Zen Pain Relief
Joint & Muscle Pain Relief
Organic Formualtions
Trust what you put on your skin
Hydration is half the battle
Australian Biologika
Natural & organic body care
All natural home cleaning products
Explore Our Brands

All You Need, All In One!
A range of superior quality supplement powders and each product is unique in its formulation, offering solutions for overall health.
Visit vitaleveryday.co.uk for more information.
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Schuessler Tisssue Salts
Wellness at the Cellular Level!
Backed by 150 years of traditional use, Tissue Salts are specially prepared micro-doses of the body’s 12 essential minerals.
Visit schuesslertissuesalts.uk for more information.
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Zen Pain Relief
Zen Liniment is a combination of 8 traditional herbal medicines and 2 essential oils that penetrate directly into the site of pain or injury.
Traditionally used in Chinese medicine, the herbs and oils have been selected for temporary pain relief and local reduction in inflammation, whilst improving circulation and healing to a specific area.
Visit zenpainrelief.com.au for more information.
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Get Your Natural Boost From Ener-C
All Ener-C products are non-GMO, free from gluten, lactose, dairy and animal products, and are suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Visit enerc.com.au for more information.
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Organic Formulations
Trust What You Put On Your Skin!
Committed to quality & ethical sustainability, Organic Formulations is a quality Personal Care Range formulated using COSMOS Certified Organic Ingredients, proudly manufactured in Australia.
Visit organicformulations.co.uk for more information.

Australian Biologika
Great For You & Our Environment!
The Biologika Personal Care Range is made with natural ingredients and is soap free and vegan friendly.
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Environmentally Responsible!
The ECOLogic range of household cleaners looks deeply at the environmental impact.